Tungsten W-30


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВТ-30
Designation GOST Latin BT-30
Transliteration VT-30
By chemical elements ВTe-30


Tungsten W-30 used: for the production of drawn and forged bars with diameter from 1.0 mm to 12 for the manufacture of electronic products.


Thoriated tungsten (tungsten with thorium).


Name Code Standards
Bars В55 TU 48-19-533-92

Chemical composition

Standard W Th
TU 48-19-533-92 Rest 2.5-3.5
W is the basis.
According to TU 48-19-533-92, the chemical composition is given for a tungsten alloy of the VT-30 grade. In the Thorium (Th) column, the mass fraction of thorium oxide in the alloy, which should be within the range of 2.50-3.50, is indicated. The total mass fraction of impurities should not be more than 0.060%.
The mass fraction of tungsten, including thorium oxide, must be at least 99.94%. The amount of impurities includes iron, calcium, molybdenum, potassium, silicon, aluminum.