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AVISMA signed an agreement to supply the aircraft manufacturer of titanium from China

Management VSMPO-AVISMA signed an agreement for the supply of titanium parts Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Factory SAMC, group company Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China. We are talking about the production of billets to the wing «COMAC919» trunk liner (abbreviated — «C919») — the development of Chinese engineers who are planning in 2014 to launch «novelty» in the first flight.

Designers of China announced the project «C919» in the beginning of 2009. As planned by the developers, the aircraft will seat 168−190 passengers, and its characteristics will be able to compete with such airliners as projected by leading industry operators Irkut MC-21 (Russia), the Boeing 737 MAX (USA) and the Airbus A320 New Engine Option (International Aircraft Corporation, headquartered in France).

«The contract signed by us for the supply of titanium parts for COMAC919, will provide us with orders until 2021. In total we have been exporting to China products worth about 150 million US dollars, and if we can agree on a pre-machined workpieces -. Numbers will be even more significant, «- commented on the news CEO of VSMPO-AVISMA Mikhail Voevodin.

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