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Mercury, arsenic and lead in the blood can tell how the habits and preferences of food

The composition of human blood can tell a lot from the state of his health to the tastes and food preferences. Recently, a group of scientists from the University of Exeter Located in the UK conducted an independent investigation of bloody fluid from twenty-two thousand volunteers of different age, status and social position. The results were very unusual.

People with good financial income, which are often used for food, a variety of seafood from the shellfish to the blood of marine fish found an increase in the concentration of ingredients such as arsenic and mercury. On the other hand the presence in the body of smokers cadmium and lead evidence of a sufficiently low level of income, which is not enough for permanent acquisition of expensive varieties of tobacco which do not contain such hazardous components. After a set of components unique to low-grade cheap cigarettes.

During the study, researchers took all subjects complete blood count, which was subjected to detailed investigation in a stationary laboratory. For an explanation of the basic indicators of an inexperienced person, except for the numerical indicators in blood composition, obtained by experiment, researchers affixed normal values. It is worth noting that not always one or another deviation associated with impaired functioning of the human organism. Some modifications in the blood can trigger a particular physiological state or way of life. For example, people whose professional activity is connected with the constant physical labor can be observed increase in platelet count. A buffy increase saturation in women may indicate the critical days or pregnancy. By the way such an anomaly could persist for some time after birth. If the leukocyte level comes back to normal for a long time and is not connected with any objective reasons, this fact can prevent the development of serious inflammatory diseases.

So remember that not only the physical condition and health of our internal organs, but even bad habits leave lasting imprint in the blood, so you must carefully treat as valuable liquid defining our core vitality and protect it from adverse effects of toxins.

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