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Happy Energy 2015

22 December for many years in Russia and Ukraine celebrates the Day of energy. This event is confirmed by the Decree of the Presidium of the former Soviet Union in October 1980. In Ukraine, a decree was issued in November 1993.

Celebrating this date all those who, one way or another, related to the energy sector. They are engineers, repairmen, installers, employees CHP and hydro companies. It employees of nuclear power plants, operating and maintenance personnel. Date habitually say to students and graduates of colleges and universities. Do not forget about the date and the inhabitants of the areas in which energy production is a major industry.

The holiday originated during the Soviet period. The first celebration had at 22.12.1966 year. Government timed today for approval in 1920, the country's electrification plan. In 1988 he moved the date in December for the third Sunday. After the collapse of the Soviet country holiday is still here. Anyway, for the people of Ukraine and the Russian tradition has been preserved.

The celebrations are traditionally date. Around ceremonially laid table gather industry experts and their families. Media coverage of topical events and broadcast transmission «on the occasion.» Top industry professionals and foremost workers receive bonuses, awards and prizes.

What kind of profession — Energy? These people maintain and repair the network equipment, supporting infrastructure. Of professionals eventually become graduates of colleges or universities. In the process of learning and mastering the basic skills required items. Power should be subservient physics and mathematics, as their hard work is important to accurately measure and installation.

Occupation of these people requires a certain courage. Their activities can be dangerous not only for health but for life. Sometimes the energy sector has to operate in harsh weather conditions. Often, they liquidate the accident occurring due to the aging network.

Thanks to the work of the people in each house are now light and heat, it is a continuous supply of water. We all know that we are without electricity — anywhere. And, therefore, energy activities affect our lives very noticeable.

Light and heat, we assume people
And, then, we will always need.
Our most important task —
Let us luck!

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