GOST 18903-73. Tungsten wire. Range.


Standard designation: GOST 18903-73
Status of the standard: valid
Name of the Russian Federation: Tungsten wire. Range
Name of English: Tungsten wire. Assortment
Date of effective date: 01.01.1976
Scope and conditions of application: This standard applies to tungsten wire made by powder metallurgy, used in the manufacture of electronic devices and light sources
List of changes: No. 1 of --1980-10-01 (reg. --1980-04-09) "Validity extended"
No.2 dated --1987-01-01 (reg. --1986-07-23) "Validity extended


The material shall be subjected to tests - tensile, and hydrostatic or non-destructive electrical test. Tungsten filament shall meet the required mechanical properties - tensile strength, yield strength, and relative elongation.

The supplier

Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy tungsten wire (GOST 18903-73), the price is the most optimal in this segment of rolled products. We offer tungsten wire from the specialized warehouses of Evek GmbH with delivery in any city.

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