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The conflict of shareholders of Norilsk Nickel can be resolved in the near future

Years of conflict between the major shareholders, «Norilsk Nickel» — the company «UC Rusal», controlled by Oleg Deripaska and «Interros», controlled by Vladimir Potanin, can be resolved in the near future. About this in an interview with the international media said Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, who is in the «Norilsk Nickel» armchair CEO. «Negotiations between majoritarian MMC resumed, and within a month the discussion of controversial issues will be carried out very rapidly," — commented on the current situation of the head of the nickel company.

The conflict between the parties is from 2008, when Mikhail Prokhorov sold his stake in «Norilsk Nickel» Oleg Deripaska. Earlier it was reported that the key topics for discussion among the main shareholders of the company is threefold: the dividend securities holders, several mutual financial claims made by the parties to each other, and the question on the candidacy of the head of the corporation (a role which now operates the aforementioned Mr. Strzhalkovskiy). Recall that Deripaska stands for the change of CEO of the company, while the «Interros» believe that a top manager, «Norilsk Nickel» copes with all control issues and objective preconditions for the shift head of the organization is not her owners.

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